Missing Part 1


I've simply been missing for ages, haven I?
It's ME. Guess I'm just not used to writting my thoughts down on the web. It's like sharing your most intimate thoughts for strangers to just read and know you. U feel so naked. hahaha!

There's much to update. Hence the title > Missing Part 1, most prob there'll be Missing Part 2, then 3.. I duno where I'll stop :P

Missing Part 1

The case between my parents seems to be coming to an end; which I sincerely HOPE it will come to an END soon. It's simply DRAGGING just too long. I just want my life back.
Perhaps it's easier said than done though I'm not entirely sure of myself either if I'll be that "swift and precise" in my own decisions / actions with regards to the matters of the heart.

Perhaps we are all human. Nah.. perhaps that's jus another excuse we give ourselves!

Regardless, currently pending issues will be the new hse and sale of the old one.

Was window shopping yesterday and I saw a really good DEAL.
Plasma TV, 42" at a cheap offer of $3.8K.. I can't help it but be real excited and I want it!
ahahaha.. think I'm really going crazy :P

sigh.. I feel like there's just tons to do.. esp for the new hse but I'm still as excited ;)


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