good luck sweetie :)

mr Lee went for his SAX exam for the 1st time and we met in the morn for breakfast then headed to the exam location @ Paragon. we saw a little girl (think ard 10 years old!!!) just finishing her HARP exam. WOW~ i guess most prob she will be trying out with SSO when she's older?

it was quite an interesting experience for me.. while waiting for mr Lee's turn, we saw a few other candidates going for their music exams too! can also make frens there! another candidate, Jeffrey was also going for his SAX exam as well - good luck for the both of them!

watching movie @ Cathay is so much cheaper when you pay with UOB. we paid $6 each as compared to GV :P hahaha.. bet Jess must be very happie that i said this cause she's Cathay supporter mah! LOL
caught District 9, a very interesting movie - was kinda slow at 1st but as the story evolves, it gets so much more interesting and hey, i dun mind this kinda sci-fi show at all~!


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