FINAL working day for Year 2007
this is it~!
my final working day for the year 2007 and it's LONG WEEKEND + GOOD break from the office and back to work (again~) in the NEW Year 2008!
WOW.. wow.. WOW..!
m so looking forward :P
movie marathon this holiday season (nope ~ it's not 1 shot 3 movies into the wee hours of the night kind lah BUT more like watching movie err.. almost every day!), can't help it - so many movies to watch but so LITTLE time!

National Treasure
long awaited and so wanted to watch this adventure thriller, though i sure hope it will not disappoint me... oh well, you know lah.. when it comes to urm.. trilogy kinda movies hor ~ sometimes can be quite disappointing!
**crossing my fingers**

Alien VS Predator 2
not exactly a fan of either Aliens or Predators lah ~
cause personally, i feel that this movie quite violent leh! hahaha.. cos all these creations like to do is kill, kill, kill one leh :P
other movies in mind...
The Golden Compass
Yes, i know.. i'm late le lah and i think this movie's going to stop screening le! duhz... how, how...? so many movies, so little time!
Le Grand Chef
seems quite interesting leh~ maybe will watch cause having caught their trailer, m so WOW by their display of wide array of mouth watering dishes!
... hmm.. maybe should have Korean this weekend?! LOL
it's gonna be a busy weekend~!
have a GREAT celebration everyone and a FANTASTIC new year ahead~!
my final working day for the year 2007 and it's LONG WEEKEND + GOOD break from the office and back to work (again~) in the NEW Year 2008!
WOW.. wow.. WOW..!
m so looking forward :P
movie marathon this holiday season (nope ~ it's not 1 shot 3 movies into the wee hours of the night kind lah BUT more like watching movie err.. almost every day!), can't help it - so many movies to watch but so LITTLE time!

National Treasure
long awaited and so wanted to watch this adventure thriller, though i sure hope it will not disappoint me... oh well, you know lah.. when it comes to urm.. trilogy kinda movies hor ~ sometimes can be quite disappointing!
**crossing my fingers**

Alien VS Predator 2
not exactly a fan of either Aliens or Predators lah ~
cause personally, i feel that this movie quite violent leh! hahaha.. cos all these creations like to do is kill, kill, kill one leh :P
other movies in mind...
The Golden Compass
Yes, i know.. i'm late le lah and i think this movie's going to stop screening le! duhz... how, how...? so many movies, so little time!
Le Grand Chef
seems quite interesting leh~ maybe will watch cause having caught their trailer, m so WOW by their display of wide array of mouth watering dishes!
... hmm.. maybe should have Korean this weekend?! LOL
it's gonna be a busy weekend~!
have a GREAT celebration everyone and a FANTASTIC new year ahead~!