lagging yet again ~

once again, i'm lagging in my posting :P
so here's a recapped of what's been missing and more~

Big Fool Lee

a truly local production about a very "seasoned" radio artist in the 50s to 70s
it's about his life story and how he used the radio to communicate with his listeners via Cantonese - teaching them on the virtues and being a better person. however throughout the Singapore "growing years" of being a developing country, he no longer can serve on air for our govt was then promoting "SPEAK CHINESE" campaign.
give yourself a BIG pat on the shoulder if you've already watched this and if not, a MUST watch if you can :)

P-plate in the house!
my 1st time on the road, well... to be exact on the expressway as a newbie w/o an extra set of brakes in the car ~!
hahah.. its different cos when you're learning, your instructor will have brakes too at his end :)
nonetheless, still ok since i have another set of eyes --- YES !!!
my passenger's eyes! he's very brave ya' know to let me drive his car!
you know who you are~ thanks leh for believing in me!!!!

PARKing without poles!

not too bad for my 1st try parking w/o poles ~ a perfect fit in the lot in less than 3 mins! hahaha...
call that a LUCKY break :)

yes~ it's true! i found a new job, though different industry but still a client servicing position!
excited and nervous all at the same time i say ~
it'll be a new learning curve for me :)
though i will not be starting this new job till next month but oh well, time flies ~!
yes people ~ you know i'll be missing you guys! gonna miss so much of our wonderful and fun loving lunch sessions, munching sessions and not to mention our CRAPpy sessions as well ~
so please don't 4get me and keep in touch hor !

Self service laundry and Shopping
my 1st try using the Self Service Laundry cleaning one Sat and it was quite an experience; fairly enjoyable since it gave me time to go shopping while waiting for my bed linens/ comforter to dry. kinda set me thinking if i should buy a dryer at home or not~! hmmm....
1.5 hours later and i got myself the following items :-
1. L'oreal exfotonic, body scrub that's so refreshing smelling and they're having a promotion now! with every purchase of their body scrub entitles a FREE body lotion :) perfect ~!!! gave mom a bottle to try since she has DRY skin :)
2. Miss Sixty toilette, Elixir with additional 10% off ~!
3. Aussino bed sets; one for gracie (flowery piece) and one for myself (retro piece) .. CHEAP ~!!!

Bourne Ultimatum ~ movie ~

go watch this movie, the 3rd installment that promises a load full of excitment and tons of action as well...! talk about the car chase and fights! all so REAL ~ wow ~!

Mahjong playing
a game full of "ups" and "downs" but still managed to snap a couple of shots of what 've done so far :P


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