what i've been up to... past 72 hours!
8 June 2007
no idea what number to buy for this week's 4D
no "feeling" leh so i decided not to buy for this week *WOW~!
late afternoon, went for an interview - sales position however when i reached the office building i decided to err.. "SABO" my own interview.. wahaha ~! crazy maybe, but it's just NOT what i wanted! the "feeling" is just not right for this co or maybe my heart is still somewhere else?!
i still WANT the job which i've interviewed for in TOWN (duno what to say lor, that SALES manager said i got chance and his HR will call me for 2nd interview but it never happen! wah lao~! talk about SALES integrity! duhz!)
met up with BB for makan, went home to change and headed over to Ms.J's place for TONG XIAO aka overnight mahjong (MJ) with LJ, Nett and Ms.J of cos~!
9 June 2007
happie (Ms. J's pet) is getting on in years, guess we can't avoid it hor :P
he used to be very hyper active. always pacing around the house, around us while we played mahjong and often barks at us when we moved around the house during our mahjong breaks. however, it's a totally different sight now. happie's alot quiet now and hardly pace around much anymore!
hmm.. i'm not used to this happie behaviour cos he's so much like my girl le~!
at the end of our "battle", i've managed to defend myself with a $2 lost - not bad lah but would have been BETTER to win than lose right! hahah.. who doesn't! duhz :P
however, a lesson learnt here...!
we've LOST the stamina for TONG XIAO MJ, not the same anymore during our younger days and that's for sure (!!!) cos i ended up with a headache after that! hahaha...
age has finally caught UP on us all ~sigh~
went home, took a "nap" and decided to try my luck in 4D (wahaha..!)
sigh.. no good news!
got really bored after matching the 4D results.
so sad, didn't strike any numbers that night for i missed my 3rd prize *again~!* cos i couldn't buy in this number under IBET (quota hit) and it didn't open the way i want it under "ZHEN".... super duper SIANZ!
i duno what "SUAY" luck 'm going thru' now leh~!

i bought 3012 but it open 0312~~!!!!! arrgghh!
i'm missing the times of collecting $$$$ monie $$$$ from Singapore Pools!
my BB wants to collect $$$ monie $$$ from Singapore Pools too!
we WANT to collect $$$ our winnings $$$ from Singapore Pools!
10 June 2007
my L0-Boh Sunday baking chocolate chip with almond cookies :)
i've not been doing much baking for a long time now, and luckily they turn out to be alrighty in square shapes! LOL
dinner with Mom & gracie, then off to a MJ session with Ros & her family~!
we're MJ addicts with "itchy" hands!
my lady luck is missing and it all started with mr.D's "SUAY" mouth before his SZ trip!
SUX soooo SUX-Y~!
been monitoring my "battle status" and it's going downhill since mr. D's statement lor!
aiyo~ mr. D better break his curse (haha.. MSN him earlier and "scold" him liao!) on me FAST and it better work even FASTER else i'm sure gonna "HUMTUP" mr. D liao!
hope for the best bah~!
no idea what number to buy for this week's 4D
no "feeling" leh so i decided not to buy for this week *WOW~!
late afternoon, went for an interview - sales position however when i reached the office building i decided to err.. "SABO" my own interview.. wahaha ~! crazy maybe, but it's just NOT what i wanted! the "feeling" is just not right for this co or maybe my heart is still somewhere else?!
i still WANT the job which i've interviewed for in TOWN (duno what to say lor, that SALES manager said i got chance and his HR will call me for 2nd interview but it never happen! wah lao~! talk about SALES integrity! duhz!)
met up with BB for makan, went home to change and headed over to Ms.J's place for TONG XIAO aka overnight mahjong (MJ) with LJ, Nett and Ms.J of cos~!
9 June 2007
happie (Ms. J's pet) is getting on in years, guess we can't avoid it hor :P
he used to be very hyper active. always pacing around the house, around us while we played mahjong and often barks at us when we moved around the house during our mahjong breaks. however, it's a totally different sight now. happie's alot quiet now and hardly pace around much anymore!
hmm.. i'm not used to this happie behaviour cos he's so much like my girl le~!
at the end of our "battle", i've managed to defend myself with a $2 lost - not bad lah but would have been BETTER to win than lose right! hahah.. who doesn't! duhz :P
however, a lesson learnt here...!
we've LOST the stamina for TONG XIAO MJ, not the same anymore during our younger days and that's for sure (!!!) cos i ended up with a headache after that! hahaha...
age has finally caught UP on us all ~sigh~
went home, took a "nap" and decided to try my luck in 4D (wahaha..!)
sigh.. no good news!
got really bored after matching the 4D results.
so sad, didn't strike any numbers that night for i missed my 3rd prize *again~!* cos i couldn't buy in this number under IBET (quota hit) and it didn't open the way i want it under "ZHEN".... super duper SIANZ!
i duno what "SUAY" luck 'm going thru' now leh~!

i bought 3012 but it open 0312~~!!!!! arrgghh!
i'm missing the times of collecting $$$$ monie $$$$ from Singapore Pools!
my BB wants to collect $$$ monie $$$ from Singapore Pools too!
we WANT to collect $$$ our winnings $$$ from Singapore Pools!
10 June 2007
my L0-Boh Sunday baking chocolate chip with almond cookies :)
i've not been doing much baking for a long time now, and luckily they turn out to be alrighty in square shapes! LOL
dinner with Mom & gracie, then off to a MJ session with Ros & her family~!
we're MJ addicts with "itchy" hands!
my lady luck is missing and it all started with mr.D's "SUAY" mouth before his SZ trip!
SUX soooo SUX-Y~!
been monitoring my "battle status" and it's going downhill since mr. D's statement lor!
aiyo~ mr. D better break his curse (haha.. MSN him earlier and "scold" him liao!) on me FAST and it better work even FASTER else i'm sure gonna "HUMTUP" mr. D liao!
hope for the best bah~!