my boss is the best :P
hehe.. m kinda behind my updates *oops!*
but i'm still gotta jot this now in blogger
i'm still gotta say this...
ah boss "ANG gu kueh" is still the B.E.S.T ~!!!
err, i will try to get a nicer pic of ah boss :)
i hope the latest i can get my bonus is by 25th this month.. at least that means i have more spending $$ for BKK/ Chiang Mai but some how, dun feel "good" about our trip which 'm not sure why.
it's my "6th sense" acting up or... ????
hmmm.. not sure if i wanna go or not anymore liao leh..
and i did so much homework liao le...
wait and see bah ~!
took an interesting shot earlier and our model for today is Joanne.
her fingers are worth thousands!!!!

anyway, Joanne bought her "god-son" an anklet from Soo Kee which by the way, is REALLY CUTE and sweet! the 6 of us gals went with her to the shop to pick it up after lunch which 16 of us went to celebrate Jay's 25th Birthday earlier!
(wah.. we are really a very busy bunch! haha~!)
once there, we gave the staff a total of 7 diamond rings to CLEAN up and wash off the impurities that might be "stuck" to the surface for a super, brighter sparkle!
while waiting, we got kinda distracted to the shining diamonds.. again... ~!
aahhhh.. gal's best friend~!
Joanne & Hui Ling was telling me about this diamond bracelet.. cheaper and err.. kinda shiny-er too in comparison (that's becos they were bigger than Joanne's mah~!) to the one that Joanne got from her beau :)
wah.. so pretty... 700 plus...
wahhhhh.. so shiny...
~ oops! no picture to show you ~
luckily for me, i still got ah Nett to hold me down.. LOL
it's ok really, cos it's enough diamond shopping for me er.. for now too!
such a scary thought on just how much a gal can spend on those shiny sparkles! hehe..
please SG POOLS to sponsor this bracelet for me okie?!
our celebrations for Jay's birthday & Ivy's (belated birthday cum mom's day)

this is ONE veri funny pic taken for our birthday boy, Jay & our gal, Jermaine! good job leh, ah Nett! hehe.. CLASSIC!

a veri BELATED celebration for Ivy's birthday as she was on leave; so we thought about giving her a surprize esp, with mother's day around the corner. our 'mother' of the team! hehehe~!
but i'm still gotta jot this now in blogger
i'm still gotta say this...
ah boss "ANG gu kueh" is still the B.E.S.T ~!!!
i hope the latest i can get my bonus is by 25th this month.. at least that means i have more spending $$ for BKK/ Chiang Mai but some how, dun feel "good" about our trip which 'm not sure why.
it's my "6th sense" acting up or... ????
hmmm.. not sure if i wanna go or not anymore liao leh..
and i did so much homework liao le...
wait and see bah ~!
took an interesting shot earlier and our model for today is Joanne.
her fingers are worth thousands!!!!

anyway, Joanne bought her "god-son" an anklet from Soo Kee which by the way, is REALLY CUTE and sweet! the 6 of us gals went with her to the shop to pick it up after lunch which 16 of us went to celebrate Jay's 25th Birthday earlier!
(wah.. we are really a very busy bunch! haha~!)
once there, we gave the staff a total of 7 diamond rings to CLEAN up and wash off the impurities that might be "stuck" to the surface for a super, brighter sparkle!
while waiting, we got kinda distracted to the shining diamonds.. again... ~!
aahhhh.. gal's best friend~!
Joanne & Hui Ling was telling me about this diamond bracelet.. cheaper and err.. kinda shiny-er too in comparison (that's becos they were bigger than Joanne's mah~!) to the one that Joanne got from her beau :)
wah.. so pretty... 700 plus...
wahhhhh.. so shiny...
~ oops! no picture to show you ~
luckily for me, i still got ah Nett to hold me down.. LOL
it's ok really, cos it's enough diamond shopping for me er.. for now too!
such a scary thought on just how much a gal can spend on those shiny sparkles! hehe..
please SG POOLS to sponsor this bracelet for me okie?!
our celebrations for Jay's birthday & Ivy's (belated birthday cum mom's day)
this is ONE veri funny pic taken for our birthday boy, Jay & our gal, Jermaine! good job leh, ah Nett! hehe.. CLASSIC!

a veri BELATED celebration for Ivy's birthday as she was on leave; so we thought about giving her a surprize esp, with mother's day around the corner. our 'mother' of the team! hehehe~!