blue-y monday!
lousy mood today.
can't exactly point out why but i think it's most probably from the list below:-
1. missed 2nd prize for last nite's 4D!
pengz..! why ah?! @#@%$^%&%! irritating leh! arrgh!
2. missing my bonus!
hurry leh.. wish the days will fly by FASTER, faster come for the month of June so that my bank can get abit FAT-TER!
3. missing my beauty sleep!
it's not like i've been playing mahjong lately. in fact, i haven't been playing for a long time and my hand's itchy-ing for a game (think many of us are..! hahaha!) but i just couldn't sleep (disturbed sleep) very well these days or just waking up far too early before my alarm BEEPS to wake me! arrghh!
3A. missing my beauty sleep - part II
had a funny dream last night about 2 mini monkeys being kept in separate cages. in my dream, one managed to escape cos it was sooo skinny that it jus slipped out between the bars. it found its way to me (not sure why.. maybe i was the owner of these 2 monkeys), climbed onto my shoulder and someone (duno who.. can't rem the face leh but i guess it's most prob someone i know cos it's not very scary leh) in the dream helped me to put netting over the cage. then i remembered putting the "escaped" monkey back into the cage. fed both monkeys with fruits.. think it was apple or something..! hahaha.. then i woke up..! hahaha.. it was too real liao.. !
p.s. dun think it was dexter "look alike" from the movie "night in the musemum" lah! hahahaha... kidding :P
what my dream is telling me (from web)????!??
"Psychological Meaning: Monkeys represent your playful, mischievous side. You may feel that your dream expresses a need to be fun loving and to stop taking life so seriously. "
4. missing some entertainment!
i can't wait for the upcoming movie "Pirates of the Caribbean", it's been kinda dreadfully BORING this weekend with nothing of interest to me in the film industry!

i need encouragement from Singapore Pools!
i need some excitment in life...!
i need a big FAT-FAT-FAT by millions piggy account in Singapore Bank!
please let me win/tio/strike 21 May 2007 TOTO!!!!
it will be very, very helpful for US greatly indeed...!
it will make my people smile!
it will help us jump start ALOT in life!!!!
who's gonna win tonight's TOTO...? let it be me!
can't exactly point out why but i think it's most probably from the list below:-
1. missed 2nd prize for last nite's 4D!
pengz..! why ah?! @#@%$^%&%! irritating leh! arrgh!
2. missing my bonus!
hurry leh.. wish the days will fly by FASTER, faster come for the month of June so that my bank can get abit FAT-TER!
3. missing my beauty sleep!
it's not like i've been playing mahjong lately. in fact, i haven't been playing for a long time and my hand's itchy-ing for a game (think many of us are..! hahaha!) but i just couldn't sleep (disturbed sleep) very well these days or just waking up far too early before my alarm BEEPS to wake me! arrghh!
3A. missing my beauty sleep - part II
had a funny dream last night about 2 mini monkeys being kept in separate cages. in my dream, one managed to escape cos it was sooo skinny that it jus slipped out between the bars. it found its way to me (not sure why.. maybe i was the owner of these 2 monkeys), climbed onto my shoulder and someone (duno who.. can't rem the face leh but i guess it's most prob someone i know cos it's not very scary leh) in the dream helped me to put netting over the cage. then i remembered putting the "escaped" monkey back into the cage. fed both monkeys with fruits.. think it was apple or something..! hahaha.. then i woke up..! hahaha.. it was too real liao.. !
p.s. dun think it was dexter "look alike" from the movie "night in the musemum" lah! hahahaha... kidding :P
what my dream is telling me (from web)????!??
"Psychological Meaning: Monkeys represent your playful, mischievous side. You may feel that your dream expresses a need to be fun loving and to stop taking life so seriously. "
4. missing some entertainment!
i can't wait for the upcoming movie "Pirates of the Caribbean", it's been kinda dreadfully BORING this weekend with nothing of interest to me in the film industry!

i need encouragement from Singapore Pools!
i need some excitment in life...!
i need a big FAT-FAT-FAT by millions piggy account in Singapore Bank!
please let me win/tio/strike 21 May 2007 TOTO!!!!
it will be very, very helpful for US greatly indeed...!
it will make my people smile!
it will help us jump start ALOT in life!!!!
who's gonna win tonight's TOTO...? let it be me!