i have NOTHING against cab drivers, really..
but sometimes they do ANNOY me *BIG* time esp when i'm driving and when i'm still a learner lor..!
today's incident was actually quite dangerous.
i was in the left lane (btw, I have the right of way leh ~), but this stup*d cab driver @ the give way lane on my left just simply wanted to SQUEEeeZE right into my lane w/o putting his brakes on for that couple of seconds...
he just couldn't WAIT for his turn; basically he can have all the time in the world for all i care *humph* - it was really a close shave else we would've hit and my instructor was like WTH~!
i know the cabbies are in a hurry to earn more $$ but then again, if an accident had occur just now it would've been rather dumb ~! considering the fact that it CAN be prevented had the cabbie been just a little wee bit patient for his turn ~!
*Super TouchWood* i dun think my instructor will even want to entertain the cabbie if accident had happened just now cos it'll make everyone so BZ 麻烦 for nothing ~!
i hope the driving attitude of these "RUSH RUSH" cabbies can be changed for the better and for the safety of other road users and for themselves ~!
i'm just glad my instructor's around and i'm back to the office in one piece! hahaha..!
anywayz, it's been one funny weather week ~ with bright sunshine one moment and heavy down pour the very next.. oh dear, such "fickle" weather!
many of us are getting sick - usually giddiness, headaches (very terrible ones), sore throats, flu and most of the time the package will include the horrible, sleepless night's cough ~ sigh ~
but that's not gonna stop us - the dream team from our ever so often gathering!
hehe... our upcoming chalet this weekend @ downtown east :)
i hope it doesn't rain *CROSS CROSS fingers & toes*
one of our sweet & pretty colleagues from AR is leaving us today (being her last day) *sigh* though sad but still wishing her (Siao Ning) ALL the very best in her future undertakings :)

another shock...
another of our colleagues from Logistics is having his last day today too! OMG ~!
also wishing him (Vincent) ALL the very best too ~!
i think i'm quite a "dumb dumb" for technology when it comes to taking pictures~!
somehow stumpled upon one of the functions in my phone and gotta change one of the camera settings on my new toy to AUTO Focus, and ~taDA~ now i can take pretty sharp pictures of fine details esp on bling bling items :)

this is my 1st cross pendant ever purchased with diamonds, a classic ~!
gosh.. i have to STOP shopping ~!
... i CAN ~!
.. i MUST~!
....errr .. i gotta MAKE it~!
but sometimes they do ANNOY me *BIG* time esp when i'm driving and when i'm still a learner lor..!
today's incident was actually quite dangerous.
i was in the left lane (btw, I have the right of way leh ~), but this stup*d cab driver @ the give way lane on my left just simply wanted to SQUEEeeZE right into my lane w/o putting his brakes on for that couple of seconds...
he just couldn't WAIT for his turn; basically he can have all the time in the world for all i care *humph* - it was really a close shave else we would've hit and my instructor was like WTH~!
i know the cabbies are in a hurry to earn more $$ but then again, if an accident had occur just now it would've been rather dumb ~! considering the fact that it CAN be prevented had the cabbie been just a little wee bit patient for his turn ~!
*Super TouchWood* i dun think my instructor will even want to entertain the cabbie if accident had happened just now cos it'll make everyone so BZ 麻烦 for nothing ~!
i hope the driving attitude of these "RUSH RUSH" cabbies can be changed for the better and for the safety of other road users and for themselves ~!
i'm just glad my instructor's around and i'm back to the office in one piece! hahaha..!
anywayz, it's been one funny weather week ~ with bright sunshine one moment and heavy down pour the very next.. oh dear, such "fickle" weather!
many of us are getting sick - usually giddiness, headaches (very terrible ones), sore throats, flu and most of the time the package will include the horrible, sleepless night's cough ~ sigh ~
but that's not gonna stop us - the dream team from our ever so often gathering!
hehe... our upcoming chalet this weekend @ downtown east :)
i hope it doesn't rain *CROSS CROSS fingers & toes*
one of our sweet & pretty colleagues from AR is leaving us today (being her last day) *sigh* though sad but still wishing her (Siao Ning) ALL the very best in her future undertakings :)

another shock...
another of our colleagues from Logistics is having his last day today too! OMG ~!
also wishing him (Vincent) ALL the very best too ~!
i think i'm quite a "dumb dumb" for technology when it comes to taking pictures~!
somehow stumpled upon one of the functions in my phone and gotta change one of the camera settings on my new toy to AUTO Focus, and ~taDA~ now i can take pretty sharp pictures of fine details esp on bling bling items :)

this is my 1st cross pendant ever purchased with diamonds, a classic ~!
gosh.. i have to STOP shopping ~!
... i CAN ~!
.. i MUST~!
....errr .. i gotta MAKE it~!