Mahjong 万
to start off my collection of mahjong "accomplishments" ... haha.. this is one funny incident which i thought (err.. maybe not for Ros...?!), for me to jot it down and have a good laugh next time :D
it was a veri tough fight..
Ros got the WIND "风" liao so her luck was pretty good this night with many MAX "五台" and i was struggling to break even but still cannot *sigh~*
last round of the north 北 wind liao..!
i have to add oil 加油 cos this is my LAST chance of the night being 北/北 ~!
haiz.. open the tiles and i didn't see my 4th flowers - both flowers had "died" falling "captive" by the other players! oh dear ~ how to upgrade but WAIT ~ there's still chance cause i have 9 tiles of "万子" and only 4 other no relation tiles ... OK so this means i still have a chance to win "四台" ~!
luckily managed to capture the chicken "公鸡" and it bite "咬" the centipede "蜈蚣" and that means monie $$$ - so happie ~! in the end, i managed to "暗杠" and still gotta win "万子" - proudly sponsored by Ros cos she "BOOK, 包" me lor :P
it was a veri tough fight..
Ros got the WIND "风" liao so her luck was pretty good this night with many MAX "五台" and i was struggling to break even but still cannot *sigh~*
last round of the north 北 wind liao..!
i have to add oil 加油 cos this is my LAST chance of the night being 北/北 ~!
haiz.. open the tiles and i didn't see my 4th flowers - both flowers had "died" falling "captive" by the other players! oh dear ~ how to upgrade but WAIT ~ there's still chance cause i have 9 tiles of "万子" and only 4 other no relation tiles ... OK so this means i still have a chance to win "四台" ~!
luckily managed to capture the chicken "公鸡" and it bite "咬" the centipede "蜈蚣" and that means monie $$$ - so happie ~! in the end, i managed to "暗杠" and still gotta win "万子" - proudly sponsored by Ros cos she "BOOK, 包" me lor :P
