welcoming 2007
countdown @ Thumper
the band was dressed so smartly, music was good and the crowd was great fun.
i drank a little too fast (not alot, mind you~!) but the effect was pretty much ehh... immeidate?! *wahaha*
overall experience still very much enjoyable and ohh, we took a couple of pics that day however will need Ros to d/l it and once i got it, i will share it with ya soon, ok ~ have patience eh?!
movie marathon - Death Note
i like this movie. i like the dark side of human nature~ esp. Light's character!
part 2 has more humor in it esp "L" character - the funny mask, his "weird" eating habits and the way he carrys stuff er.. using only the thumb and index finger! hahaa. really funny!!!

i wonder if i should drive leh~ seriously! i still like being a passenger but for the sake of a better looking CV *sigh* guess wat, my instructor kinda doze off during lesson. wah lao..!
so far, 'm still weak in my U-turn leh *sianz* bends still ok but i have to keep my coolz cos one will never know when the nervous bugz gonna kick in eh? wahaha!
still need more practice.
've been sleeping alot (i think or at least i hope... ) but not at regular hours, hahaha.. well.. all those late nights are definitely not good for health. then again, it's the holidays so ENJOY while it lasts!
the band was dressed so smartly, music was good and the crowd was great fun.
i drank a little too fast (not alot, mind you~!) but the effect was pretty much ehh... immeidate?! *wahaha*
overall experience still very much enjoyable and ohh, we took a couple of pics that day however will need Ros to d/l it and once i got it, i will share it with ya soon, ok ~ have patience eh?!
movie marathon - Death Note
i like this movie. i like the dark side of human nature~ esp. Light's character!
part 2 has more humor in it esp "L" character - the funny mask, his "weird" eating habits and the way he carrys stuff er.. using only the thumb and index finger! hahaa. really funny!!!

i wonder if i should drive leh~ seriously! i still like being a passenger but for the sake of a better looking CV *sigh* guess wat, my instructor kinda doze off during lesson. wah lao..!
so far, 'm still weak in my U-turn leh *sianz* bends still ok but i have to keep my coolz cos one will never know when the nervous bugz gonna kick in eh? wahaha!
still need more practice.
've been sleeping alot (i think or at least i hope... ) but not at regular hours, hahaha.. well.. all those late nights are definitely not good for health. then again, it's the holidays so ENJOY while it lasts!