TGIF * Thanksgiving 2006
it's a pretty wet friday and i'm sleepy *yawnz*
managed to clear my presentation and also got some work done for my cousin aka *backside* since Hui Ling's on leave today to BKK :P yeh we're working in the same office lah!
Today's Thanksgiving day and my ang-moh boss is not around hence the presentation went rather smoothly --> short & sweet PLUS, everyone's on weekend mood ~!
meanwhile, i hope Hui Ling will remember to help me ta-bao back the yummy tasty MK resturant's roast duck!!! i MISS the roast duck and to be honest, i'm not exactly a big fan of duck in the 1st place and that; i have Joe to "thank" for.
he highly recommended me to try it during my trip to BKK in July this year and both grace & me fell in lurve with MK roast duck instantly! *yummy & slurpz*
suppose to meet up with Andrew (the you know who you are - in the previous post person loh~!!!) today for dinner but due to unexpected issues @ home (his dad got hospitalized today... not sure of the details as of now), he "FLY" kite again!
oops! i think he OVER qualified to fly kite already but has just upgraded my me to fly AEROPLANE ~!!!! *LOL*
i'm not angry lah cause it's of valid reason so nah, it's alright and i hope his dad is recovering/ doing better now but he is STILL guilty as charged for the "kite flying sessions" so i'm gonna be a "horrible" friend and disturb him ALL the way!!!!!
hmmz.. OK, not ALL the way but DEFINITELY partial way :P
other plans in mind
1. shopping @ metro paragon; private affair for the ladies with discounts, rebates and free gifts!
2. shopping elsewhere since it's LATE NITE shopping day~!
3. shopping @ all of the above places
4. movies?
5. mahjong --> not sure if i have enough kar to play or not.
6. go home sleep.. sounds good too since m having headache now *sigh*
7. party.. well, not exactly sure about this one since i'm kinda out of the drinking mode
nonetheless.. m still HAPPIE it's weekend~!!! hahaha...
i bet Ros is having a really nice massage now since she complained about a bad nite's rest and well, no mood to work oso lah~! i recommended her a nice place to try out, pretty near home with good ambience, fairly priced and my favourite therapist, Clare :)
final conclusion for today's activity?
winner ---> it's gona be pt 2 & 4 ~?!
managed to clear my presentation and also got some work done for my cousin aka *backside* since Hui Ling's on leave today to BKK :P yeh we're working in the same office lah!
Today's Thanksgiving day and my ang-moh boss is not around hence the presentation went rather smoothly --> short & sweet PLUS, everyone's on weekend mood ~!
meanwhile, i hope Hui Ling will remember to help me ta-bao back the yummy tasty MK resturant's roast duck!!! i MISS the roast duck and to be honest, i'm not exactly a big fan of duck in the 1st place and that; i have Joe to "thank" for.
he highly recommended me to try it during my trip to BKK in July this year and both grace & me fell in lurve with MK roast duck instantly! *yummy & slurpz*
suppose to meet up with Andrew (the you know who you are - in the previous post person loh~!!!) today for dinner but due to unexpected issues @ home (his dad got hospitalized today... not sure of the details as of now), he "FLY" kite again!
oops! i think he OVER qualified to fly kite already but has just upgraded my me to fly AEROPLANE ~!!!! *LOL*
i'm not angry lah cause it's of valid reason so nah, it's alright and i hope his dad is recovering/ doing better now but he is STILL guilty as charged for the "kite flying sessions" so i'm gonna be a "horrible" friend and disturb him ALL the way!!!!!
hmmz.. OK, not ALL the way but DEFINITELY partial way :P
other plans in mind
1. shopping @ metro paragon; private affair for the ladies with discounts, rebates and free gifts!
2. shopping elsewhere since it's LATE NITE shopping day~!
3. shopping @ all of the above places
4. movies?
5. mahjong --> not sure if i have enough kar to play or not.
6. go home sleep.. sounds good too since m having headache now *sigh*
7. party.. well, not exactly sure about this one since i'm kinda out of the drinking mode
nonetheless.. m still HAPPIE it's weekend~!!! hahaha...
i bet Ros is having a really nice massage now since she complained about a bad nite's rest and well, no mood to work oso lah~! i recommended her a nice place to try out, pretty near home with good ambience, fairly priced and my favourite therapist, Clare :)
final conclusion for today's activity?
winner ---> it's gona be pt 2 & 4 ~?!
I never sleep during the massage session but after its done, i actually fell asleep! unbelievable cos normally i dun sleep that easily outside, that 45mins really make a difference for me! anyway, see ya later for breakfast!